Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Influence of Cartoons

A major portion of television images directed specifically at children is in the form of animated cartoons. Saturday morning blocks of network programming are dedicated to cartoons. The Disney organization, having grown from the creation of 1930s animated movie shorts and features into a giant multimedia consortium, now has its own cable channel devoted to "family entertainment" relying upon 50% cartoon programming from its sixty year film library – in addition to supplying blocks of programming in non-cable "syndication" to independent stations. 

It can be easily remarked, then, that cartoons fill a major portion of a child's time when watching children's and family television programming. The question must be asked, "What type of influence do cartoons have upon children? That is negative or positive?" The answer is coloured in shades of grey.

However, now on Disney, All cartoons are substituted by Ninja Hattori, and Doremon; whereas on Cartoon Network or Pogo, there’s always Chota Bheem. I am not saying Chota Bheem isn’t good for children, but as they say “Anything excess is poison”. Cartoons like Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny, etc. aren’t even premiered anymore. It’s a pity. This in turn changes the entire mentality of the child according to the respective cartoons he/she watches.

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