Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Stop Complaining and Start Acting Elders

This year, the General Elections in India were the biggest they said. Is it just because every random organization was advertising on television or putting up billboards on the streets, urging, rather, forcing everyone to vote? Yet, there were several elders who didn't vote though. But why was it just this year suddenly? Why didn't everyone want to vote five years ago? Just as everything has its pros and cons, so does the Indian Election 2014. But that's not what I have a problem with. My problem is with the mentality of the people, not just our elders or the earlier generation but also the youth today. But, it doesn't just stop at the youth. The oldies are more responsible than us. They decide what we wear, where we go, how we act, who we meet, etc. etc. But, how does it really matter to us? Well, maybe it does somewhere.

Everywhere you go, there are people just barking into your face saying, 'The Youth are the future'. We definitely are the future, you know, being western, being creative, thinking out the the so-called stereo-typically creative box, then again, we're still blamed right? So, how does it really affect us, youth? On one hand, at home, today's youth are treated like powerless hangers between adulthood and childhood; and on the other they are expected to change the nation for the better. But don't you think it’s our elders who blame us for what happens today? The old people who sit at home due to their physical inabilities only tend to crib about the mentality of the youth, not realizing that they're still alive and are counted as the same citizens in the country that we are. This doesn't just stop at voting, but the youth are blamed for almost every wrong thing happening in the country, apart from the politicians of course. The movies today, where women are seen dancing in a bikini, is also today's youth's fault according to our elders. Well, if youngsters don't emerge into self-centered human beings, our elders will ruin our lives making us take care of them. I think, it’s high time that our elders understand their shared responsibility for the country's governance, be it worse or better. But if they can't respond to their responsibilities as a citizen of India, then they have no right to crib. So, if a 97 year old woman can get out of her death bed, lifted by people to VOTE, so can you guys who are still capable of doing so much more than her. The next time you hear someone older than you blame the youth about the reason for the country going to the dogs, stand up, stop them, and ask those idiots, what have they done? 

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