Saturday, 28 April 2018

Dear Brian,

I want to marry you, not your parents, not your mother, not your sister and certainly not your father. I have nothing but immense respect for your family and you. You might get a little frustrating and extremely difficult at times, but i’m not here to give up. I’m here to hold on, hug you, even strangle you to death if needed. There is nothing more important to me than my family and my career. As much as I want you to attain success and stability, I want the same for myself. I don’t want to marry you only for the house maid you are, are, but, I want to marry you for the memories, the company, the assurance, the hand holdings and the romance and the laughs and the fights and the cries and the pranks and the mischief and the bond. 

I want to be with you because I have never connected with anyone else as much as we did, irrespective of the discord we have. I want to love you and spend moments that are irreplaceable. I want to look forward to things, not dwell in the past and brood over our present. I want to feel good about myself, about each other, about you. I want to hold your hand, be by your side, not cook for your mother and be a prisoner of your family. I want to work, work harder than ever. I want to take care of my mother because regardless of how important you are or you’ll ever be, my mother has and always will be my alpha and my rock. I love you, but if you can’t stand up for me when all evidence proves me right, I can’t be with you. 

So, I’m going to give you a choice. Maybe a hard choice, but not an impossible one for you. So, think calmly, visualise, foresee, rationalise and then we’ll talk. Until then, I love you Brian, but there are some grounds I can’t let go of. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Lots of abundant love,
Sonia David

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